blog #7/5 Great Tips from Kickstarter:

Social media has become a new medium in which companies are reaching out to their customers to build a bigger client base. There is Facebook and Twitter, now we are being exposed to Kickstarter or Crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is an alternative way to raise capital to get a venture off the ground (Bliss). Kickstarter the middle man, they provide a service that will handle transaction, but there are stipulations with using their service. Your project must fit into a certain category, you tell Kickstarter how much you want to raise, and the money needs to be raised within 60 days.

This article goes on to express how one can be successful in business. In my opinion, this article is full of information that we have been reading about in previous articles. For instance, know your target audience, diversity dilutes you message, have a plan and plan ahead, have a well-defined message, spend time developing that message, build a relationship with your market, take risks, put yourself out there, be passionate about your dreams. Reading this information is all starting to sound like one big cliché. However, take note; those businesses that are successful have done just that. So why not let these “words of wisdom” apply to a person who has dreams and can build a future with support from others who would like to get on the “ground floor” of a big new idea because of one person’s passion.

One has to consider, do I have this passion? I’m fully aware of why some businesses succeed and why others fail. But would I be a person who could take a risk like starting a new business with other people’s money. No, not I, but obviously that doesn’t mean that others wouldn’t take this opportunity to pursue their dreams. Kickstarter itself I believe has found a niche for a new medium in the business world. They help new companies raise funds, and make a profit for their pocket. Only time will tell if Kickstarter will be the next big success story.

Bliss, R. (n.d.). 5 Great Tips from Kickstater: Boost Tomorrow’s Business-Forbes. Retrieved 01 30, 2013, from

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